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How to Search Multiple Queries in a Dashbaord

In the below video, I will show you how to use one search for multiple queries in a dashboard.


  1. Thank you for this video. But I have a similar request :
    I have 4 queries, 1 will show all the clients and the other 3 will show their 0-30 days invoices with subtotal, 30-60days with subtotal and >60days with sub totals
    I want on a selection from a row of a client, the other 3 queries will only show THAT client invoices, if no selection is made, will show all clients invoices.... So it is not driven by writing a client name in the tracker, but selecting a client from a query result row.

    Can this be done using the dashboards or I should use a UD window and add grids etc... doing this via script...?

    PS: Using version 10.



    1. Sorry, I'm using Epicor 9 so I can't help you on this.

  2. Thank you, I have 5 queries on a dashboard, I want to display one query at a time and after 5 minutes the control should switch to another and so on. is it possible?


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