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Track Data Changes Using Business Activity Manager (BAM) - Part 1

Use the Business Activity Manager (BAM) to track data changes by monitoring fields from selected tables within your database. As you enter and update data, an event is triggered. BAM communicates this event through change logs, global alerts, and automatically printed reports.

You can also set parameters for when events are triggered in order to limit the scenarios that generate logs, alerts, or reports.

In the below Video, I will show you how to use BAM to track data changes through Change Log and I will show to how to set a parameter to track only what you need to track.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Anybody know where this is in 10.1 or 10.2? We don't have a "Business Activity Manager"

    1. In E10 they moved it under BPM (Data Directive BPMs) logging


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